Making sense of the probe data

This video takes a close look at the ‘probe’ data – a key feature of the Farming Forecaster tool. Detailed explanation is provided around how to read and interpret the various outputs including soil moisture percentage readings, the ‘Probe History’ graph, rainfall and soil temperature. The video also shows how to access information about the soil type at each probe location. Soil type is an important factor to consider when viewing the information.

Making sense of the probe data (Part 2)

This video takes a close look at the ‘probe’ data – a key feature of the Farming Forecaster tool. Detailed explanation is provided around how to read and interpret the various outputs including soil moisture percentage readings, the ‘Probe History’ graph, rainfall and soil temperature. The video also shows how to access information about the soil type at each probe location. Soil type is an important factor to consider when viewing the information.

Making sense of the pasture forecast

Produced by GrassGro, the pasture forecast provides information around current pasture position and the likely range in pasture availability over the next 3-4 months. This video explains how to access the pasture forecast for each location, what information and data is used to generate the forecast and how to read and interpret the pasture forecast graph. During the video we also take a look at some of the other graphs that appear on farming forecaster, including the Plant Available Water graph and the Ground Cover graph.

Making sense of the pasture forecast (Part 2)

Produced by GrassGro, the pasture forecast provides information around current pasture position and the likely range in pasture availability over the next 3-4 months. This video explains how to access the pasture forecast for each location, what information and data is used to generate the forecast and how to read and interpret the pasture forecast graph. During the video we also take a look at some of the other graphs that appear on farming forecaster, including the Plant Available Water graph and the Ground Cover graph.

Making sense of the livestock data

Farming Forecaster also provides information around current livestock condition and predicted livestock performance during the next 3-4 months. Like the pasture forecast, this information is also produced by the GrassGro model and can provide an insight into whether breeding stock are on track to meet joining weights, if supplementary feeding is likely to be required (and amounts) etc.